How a DC rideshare driver's random encounter with a passenger helped him get new teeth

A DC rideshare driver's random encounter with a passenger helped him get new teeth. Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2019. (ABC7 photo)

A DC rideshare driver's random encounter with a passenger helped him get new teeth. Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2019. (ABC7 photo)

WASHINGTON (WJLA) — A DC rideshare driver was missing most of his teeth and was afraid to smile. But a random encounter with a passenger in his rideshare car helped change his life forever.

The rideshare driver grew up in Egypt and immigrated to America. But two years ago, his biggest struggle was his teeth. He told ABC7 that his entire life was affected by this and he was unable to eat, sleep, or play sports.

The Invisible Hand Foundation learned of his story and was behind the man’s miracle of getting new teeth.

To read the full article, click here.


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